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Museum of Sentiments

Contact ul. Zamkowa 9
58-530 Kowary k. Karpacza

Opening hours:
Saturday and Sunday 11 - 16
always from 01.10.2020 - 30.04.2021.
Other days only pre-ordered groups.
E-mail: kierownik@muzeumsentymentow.pl
Telefon: +48 601 553 876


ul. Zamkowa 9 58-530 Kowary


Muzeum Sentymentów – (Museum of Sentiments) - a museum of life in the years 1950-2000 in Poland, and an exhibition on the history of the Carpet Factory ‘Kowary’. The Sentiment Museum is as unusual as its name. Why? Because it exhibits not only items from an era long gone, but still so close to our hearts, but also immaterial exhibits, i.e. memories and sentiments. The whole exhibition is located within the walls of the former ‘Kowary’ carpet factory in the town of Kowary. The 155-year history of the factory, which was once known all over the world, is the leading theme of the Museum of Sentiments and the exhibition is arranged in such a way as to awaken memories in the visitors, dividing them into individual stages of life.