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Wańczykówka - is an organic farm producing goat, sheep, cow cheeses, yoghurt, cottage cheese and butter. Cheese workshops by appointment. The organic farm ‘Wańczykówka’ is located in a part of the Sudety Mountains called the Stone Mountains, with a beautiful view of the Śnieżka Mountain. It started with two hectares of land and a donated piglet. Then the first Bessie the cow came, and then a few more little cows. The sale of milk was extremely burdensome...
On a ‘Polagra’ fair, for the first time, it dawned on the farmers to try their hand at cheese making. Thanks to the motivation of their agritourism guests, in September 2007 they made the first (and, out of distraction, unsalted) rennet cheese. The passion for cheese-making was getting bigger by the day. In February 2008, the cheese from Wańczykówka won the first prize of the jury and the first prize of the public in a competition for the local product of the region of the town of Kamienna Góra. This made the owners of the farm feel extremely proud and they continued to produce cheese with even greater passion. They learned from the best at a 2-year course in Germany and are still improving their products which mark their presence on the map of Lower Silesia, also thanks to the participation in many festivals and fairs in other parts of Poland.