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Vapenka Museum

Contact Museum „Vápenka-Kalkofen“ in Horní Albeřice
IC Veselý výlet – Temný Důl
Horní Maršov
+420 499 874 298, +420 603 170 881

Die Schlüssel für das Museum „Kalkofen“ sind das ganze Jahr über nach Absprache unter der Rufnummer +420 499 874 298 oder direkt im Info-Zentrum Veselý výlet in Temný Důl auszuleihen.
E-mail: info@veselyvylet.cz
Telefon: +420 603 170 881


Česká republika


The wooden structure on the top of this cultural monument, a stone tower from a limeworks kiln dating back to the 19th century, was made using traditional carpentry techniques and a unique Mediaeval measurement method with modular circles (rosettes). The structure combines traditional carpentry work and joints with modern shapes, i.e., tenons, cogs and dowels with trussed beams made from planks. Only wood is used in the joints. Spruce planks are joined by oak dowels. The only bearing pieces made from metal are the four sockets around the vertical shafts of the plank beams.

A modern exhibition in the form of short stories with photographs presents seven centuries of life in Albericke valley. All texts are available in four languages. While you can read about the fates of the locals within the context of Czech and European history, your children may go travelling on the map of the eastern parts of the Krkonose, assemble pictures of Alberice as it looked in the past, does now and could one day. The museum is open from April to November.